heres the button code
IMPORTANT: YOU MAY NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS, USING GOOGLE CHECKOUT, UNLESS YOU HAVE 503 NON PROFIT STATUS, AND USE GOOGLE TO FILE YOUR STATUS. IF YOU ACCEPT "DONATIONS" WITHOUT FOLLOWING THE RULE YOUR ACCOUNT MAY BE SUSPENDED. <script id='googlecart-script' type='text/javascript' src='' integration='jscart-wizard' currency='USD'></script> The code above must be on each page you make just once. It tells the buttons where to send the money. Without it your buttons won't know who to give the cash to, and this confuses them, and makes them feel like failures. Put the above code on each page you wish to put buttons on...they need it! the part in red is to be replaced with your merchant id Now, once you have this code on your webpage you can put an add to cart button. <div class="product"><input value="yourtitlehere" class="product-title" type="hidden"><input value="http://yourphotourlgoeshere/th_0000111.jpg" class="product-image" type="hidden"><input value="pricegoeshere-just-numbers-and-decimals" class="product-price" type="hidden"><div title="Add to cart" role="button" tabindex="0" class="googlecart-add-button"></div></div> keep in mind to modify the code as follows place your title in the orange spot place your thumbnail url in the pink place your price in the symbols, just numbers and decimal (not $) click here if "thumnail url" confused you If you wish to add a button that your customer can enter any amount they wish into, use the following code. see the warning at the top of this page!!! <div class="product"><input value="*****your item description*****" class="product-title" type="hidden"><input value="******urlgoeshereforyourjpg*****" class="product-image" type="hidden"><input class="product-price" type="text"><div title="Add to cart" role="button" tabindex="0" class="googlecart-add-button"></div></div> Be sure to Put the words you want to show up in the window in place of ****your item description***** and put a image url in place of the ****urlforyourimagegoeshere*** keep the quotes"""" but not the *** stars or asterisks so long story short put the first code in at the bottom of your page, and then put the second code in and you should be in business. | This is what the results will be. |